Business, Feature

Quick Q+A with Lotus: SimpliPlay

Quick Q+A with Lotus features local South African businesses in the new world for readers!

For our first Quick Q+A with Lotus we welcome John Martin, the Founder of the new start-up tech haven: SimpliPlay! Whether listening to audiobooks or using desk lamps to read, tech plays a role in readers’ lives. With a passion for tech and 4IR, SimpliPlay was born out of a need to bring productivity, entertainment, innovation and efficiency to peoples’ lives. Read more about SimpliPlay from John below:

Who’s behind SimpliPlay?

John: SimpliPlay was founded by myself, John Martin. It is currently being managed & run by Chad Butler, Julian Hurley and myself. We are the people behind SimpliPlay. I am personally driven by constant improvement, all round. Technology helps me improve my daily activities, helping me become as productive and efficient as I can be. It is this philosophy I want to share with people. We [John, Chad and Julian] all share a passion for technology, with specific interest in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and preparing for the digital advancements.

What made you want to start SimpliPlay?

John: SimpliPlay was born in May 2020, early on in the pandemic. The idea or plan to start SimpliPlay was always there. However, this pandemic forced us to think and act fast. It seemed like the perfect time to launch SimpliPlay, with E-commerce being the safest and most practical method of business.

The intention with SimpliPlay is to bring productivity, entertainment, innovation and efficiency to peoples’ lives. There is an ever growing digital divide on the rise and we hope to grow in such a way that we are accessible to all. We want to cultivate a pro-technology culture with our premium products.

The pandemic has provided a handful of challenges, but we have no regrets about starting SimpliPlay. Our current circumstances can only make us stronger, and so we are excited to continue striding towards higher heights.

I love the name SimpliPlay and your branding always look sleek! What made you decide on SimpliPlay?

John: Funny, but simple story. It took us about 3 months to settle on a name for our primary business, which is SimpliSmart (specializing in Smart Home Technologies). Fortunately for us, it took us less time to come up with SimpliPlay. Which is now a subsidiary of SimpliSmart. The first of its kind.

What’s one of the things you enjoy about running SimpliPlay and your industry?

John: I find great joy in helping people solve various problems and bringing efficiency or innovation to their daily activities. The tech industry is exciting and growing rapidly, hence I try best to stay informed of new products and solutions that could help me help others solve problems and perform better. We are heading into a space where technology will become our best of friends. I, thoroughly, enjoy being part of the tech boom and impact that is currently happening.

What can people expect from SimpliPlay in the future?

John: People can expect to see collaborations with nano influencers, a ton of video content (in the form of adverts and review content) and simply, a bigger and better online presence. Be on the lookout for eye-catching content from SimpliPlay!

What do you think is important to make an impact in the world or leave a lasting impression?

John: I like to believe that you leave a lasting impression on people while you on your way to impacting the world. I firmly believe that empathy is the first characteristic needed to leave a lasting impression. We reach higher places and better outcomes if we consider the perspectives and positions of others’ first. Slowly start to get to know people, try to fulfil their needs by simply being present or offering them a product / service. Do this, and you well on your to leaving a lasting impact.

How can people show support for SimpliPlay?

John: For those who are wanting to support SimpliPlay – we urge you to please do so by following and liking our Instagram & Facebook accounts. Engage as much as possible and, of course, purchase from us.

Where can people connect with you if they’d like to know more about SimpliPlay?


Facebook: SimpliPlay

Thank you, John, SimpliPlay’s passion for tech is definitely felt on social media. Your designs and new product unveilings show that you know how tech can solve people’s needs! All the best on your journey and may you continue to grow with the tech industry!


Support small local South African businesses by shopping online for on-trend tech at SimpliPlay!

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